by John Belliston
Of all the Great Guilds, the Workmen’s is the youngest and
the most untested. From the outside there seems to be no order, reason, or law
within it. People speak in hushed whispers about how there is no way that they
can possibly continue. By all evidence they should tear themselves apart. Forty
separate and radically different lesser guilds all bear representation in the
Grand Assembly of the Workmen. Power struggles between guilds looking to rule
should bring an endless bloody struggle and after all this time there should be
a clear and obvious Tyrant.
But there isn’t.
No one guild rules and no single individual controls the
actions of the Workmen. The Guild openly talks of the tyranny in the other
Great Guilds with deep disgust and unveiled superiority. Each stands as a proud
Workman, free of Tyrants and with a voice in the movement of the entire City.
Though how the votes are decided is different for each of
the forty guilds, every one of the lesser guilds has a representative with a
single vote. Guild business is settled in the Grand Assembly, or as it is more
commonly called, “The Rabble”. Almost all decisions are a simple majority but
anyone leaving before all issues are settled forfeits their vote.
The Rabble is equal parts governing body and unending fistfight.
Permanent mutilation, disfigurement, and death are grounds for loss of vote for
your representative guild and personal fines. However until that point,
violence, threats, and intimidation are considered a healthy part of the
democratic process.
There are only three designations within the Guild: Member,
Foreman, and Grand Foreman.
- Members are the Workmen in good standing. They’ve paid their guild dues and proudly wear their guild brooch. They may or may not go much to the Workmen’s Guildhalls and often will live and work in other parts of the city. They will only seek out their lesser guild’s leadership when they have something worth saying.
- Foremen are the lesser guilds representatives in the Grand Assembly. Each of the forty have a different means of selecting Foremen. However the constantly shifting nature of the Grand Assembly means that no stratagem is ideal for very long.
- The Grand Foreman has every appearance of being the leader and controlling influence within the Guild, but the actual power attributed to the position is minimal and is more a manifestation of their responsibilities. The Grand Foreman can break a tie, silence the Rabble, and stop fights. They are also responsible for keeping the Assembly free of subversive magical influence. Outside of the Grand Assembly the Grand Foreman is generally given token respect or is simply ignored by the guild at large. This leave them in the strange position of receiving more respect and recognition for being the “leader” from people outside the Guild.
The Grand Foreman’s job could not be easily done without the
Illustrious Gavel of the Assembly, an intelligent and powerful magical hammer.
It is used to silence an area exactly the size of the Assembly Hall, can knock
out almost any member of the Guild in a single strike, and can disrupt all but
the most powerful magical effects. Though it is a fully intelligent item it
holds a firm impartiality and will only voice its opinion on matters so divided
that even the Grand Foreman cannot decide on how to break a tie. It resides in
the Assembly Hall and if pulled out by any but the Elected Grand Foreman will
constantly scream and alert any to the theft.
In the name of protecting and keeping their
authority over themselves and their professions the Workmen created the Brute
Squads, and the Shenanigans.
In order to remain a member in good standing each member
must spend a year and a day on the Brute Squad each decade. This branch of the
Guild exists to track down non-members acting in Guild professions and make
sure that they become Guild members or are working with Guild authorization.
The methods used vary wildly depending on the individuals working on the Squad,
but they make it almost impossible to work in a Guild profession without Guild
A Shenanigan is the greatest defense and single weapon the
Workmen have against the other Guilds and outside forces in large. On each
guild badge there is a small jewel. If the jewel ever glows, the Workmen stop
whatever they are doing and start as much chaos as possible in the streets. Due
to the widespread nature of guild members this can be a quick and devastating
Unlike the other five Great Guilds, the Workmen’s
relationship with the other Guilds is in fact what defines it. Before the
advent of the Workmen’s each of the lesser guilds were left to fend for
themselves, scratching out their existence on their own. Many were consistently
manipulated and controlled by the other Great Guilds. They were points of
barter in the games of the other four and had no real respect.
Even after they first bound together for security there was
little in the way of respect. It was the Merchant Guild’s Liara Rosetongue,
called the “Beautiful Tyrant” or the “Kind Oppressor”, who finally pushed them
too far. Her poaching of the best of the workers and artisans without regard
for Guild sovereignty finally resulted in the single worst citywide riot since
the founding of the City. This event is now recorded as the First Shenanigan. In
the years since, the relationship has cooled but paranoia regarding their
authority still taints any chance at a meaningful relationship between the two
The Mage's Guild is the closest to having an internal power
structure like the Workmen’s and so there is a sometimes tense understanding
between the two groups. Many of the most dedicated and self-sufficient of
members take positions within Mage’s Guild territory. The two groups have a
mutual fear of the other which has transformed into a tentative respect on both
sides. The Workmen fear the unstable Mage's power, and the Mage's fear the
lengths the Workmen will go to keep themselves free of manipulation.
As far as the Workmen are concerned the Music Guild is a
place to go to be entertained. They have no deeper thoughts or relationship
with them.
The Blacksmiths and Workmen have a simple relationship of
mutual understanding. Many of the things either seeks to do cannot be
accomplished without the aid of the other. They work together with little
incident not out of respect so much as necessity.
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